Hyderabad was blasted with continuous pouring rain for two days earlier last week. The heavy rains caused enormous difficulties to the residents of Hyderabad in all areas with floods and the destroyed road works with potholes.
The current government had promised immediate rebuilding of road works and assistance to the flood affected people in order to soften the anger of frustrated residents.The honourable chief minsister of Telangana, Mr KCR also announced immediate destruction of illegal constructions affecting the free flow of water into nalas and thereby leading to floods in low lying areas.
These rains certainly increased the risk of disease transmission through vectors like mosquitoes and viruses due to stagnant water and poor hygiene. What is more concerning the accumulating waste in these wet conditions all over the city by the road side in the middle of residential areas.
Some roads are even difficult to drive through due to the bad smell emerging out of these waste dumps. The waste disposal teams are only doing half hearted work by removing partial waste and spraying some chemicals to reduce flies and mosquitoes without really addressing the real problem which is the lack of waste disposal bins for each road in every colony.
The residents of Hyderabad were left dismayed at the apathy and lack of initiative from municipal authorities at the time of utmost need like this rainy season. These waste dumps have become breeding grounds to stray dogs multiplying in numbers day by day and endangering lives of night time pedestrians.
Hyderabad is racing ahead in infrastructure and IT divisions among the top ranking cities in the Asian region. GHMC authorities need to bring in immediate measures to address these multiple serious problems affecting the day to day lives of residents and putting their lives at great risk.
If the waste disposal teams do not take appropriate action in time there will certainly be a bigger problem of uncontrollable disease epidemics in this charming city of Hyderabad.