Ample Life Support Services


Thread : "Orasure" Rapid home based HIV test kit in the market

    "Orasure" Rapid home based HIV test kit in the market
    by: admin on 24th May'2012

    An oral rapid home based diagnostic test has been approved for over the counter use by the FDA in USA. It will be out in the intranational market soon.

    To perform the test, the person being tested for HIV-1 takes the device, which has an exposed absorbent pad at one end, and places the pad above the teeth and against the outer gum. The person then gently swabs completely around the outer gums, both upper and lower, one time around.

    The tester then takes the device and inserts it into a vial containing a solution. In as little as 20 minutes, the test device will indicate if HIV-1 antibodies are present in the solution by displaying two reddish-purple lines in a small window on the device.

    It will help high risk group of people test themselves at home. Once it is positive they can apporoach the labartory for blood tests which are confirmatory.

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