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Thread : India's cultural sensitivity

    India's cultural sensitivity
    by: admin on 25th Oct'2015

    India continues to be in news lately for all kinds of wrong reasons with various news ranging from mob lynching for beef eating to repeated attacks on women of all ages in some parts of India.

    India and its sovereign standing as a multicultural inclusive democracy seems to be under threat lately, atleast as portrayed by some of the news articles, particularly fuelled by provocative and sometimes thoughtless statements issued by both political and some relgious leaders.

    The unique status of India is due to its billion and more population following various religions and embracing different cultures while speaking hundreds of different languages and dialects together.

    Ranging from the turban wielding life loving sikhs in the north to the Lungi wrapping casual styled Malayalees in the south and hill living north easterners to Marathi speaking urban Mumbaiites, there is a enormous variability in the way daily life is led in India but there is one big factor that unifies them all which is being "Indian".

    No matter how much the self centred political leaders and self proclaimed religious leaders try to create divisions in India on the basis of religion, caste, creed, colour, language, occupation and even food habits the nation will still manage to run itself as one chaotic and vulnerable state to the outsiders while it remains as a truly self sustaining mighty and motherly nation to its loyal insiders.


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